It’s rare that I write a post exclusively about myself. In fact, I can’t remember a single post in the history of this blog that was just about me. I often talk about my kids, tell you stories about us, or clue you in on important happenings in our lives (like buying a house or announcing a pregnancy), but for the most part I stick to sharing helpful tutorials and tips that might be useful or inspirational to you. Because, after all, that’s why you’re here – right?
Well, I’m taking a break from that today.
It’s a bit outside my comfort zone. Ok, a LOT outside my comfort zone. Especially since I’ve been feeling lately like there’s not much in my life that is worth writing about. But I really enjoy reading personal posts from my favorite bloggers – hearing about their thoughts, struggles, faith, and even just daily life – it makes me feel like I *know* them a bit better. So I thought, just maybe, you’d enjoy hearing a bit more about me. If not, you’re welcome to stop reading now and come back next week for more of the same “regularly scheduled programming” ;-)
So, a day in my shoes.
Lately, my days have been beginning anywhere between 4 and 6 am when little man wakes up. I drag my groggy butt out of bed and to his room where I nurse him, change him, and put him back to sleep for a bit. Most days I crawl back into bed for an hour or two until my husband wakes me up to get in the shower. (He’s a saint – he wakes up and showers first, and at that point our daughter is awake so he gets breakfast for her while I get time to shower and get dressed.)
My husband heads off to work, and sometimes, I have a chance to grab a quick breakfast before little man wakes up again – sometimes I don’t. Mornings are our time to get things done or go places, so about 2-3 times a week we’re out and about – grocery shopping, running errands, play dates, going to Bible Study, meeting friends at a park, etc. Go, go, go.
We’re always home for lunch with Daddy. (We are so fortunate that he works close enough to come home for lunch each day!) Then – the very best part of the whole day. Nap time. If I’m lucky, the kids will overlap with their naps for about an hour. Peace and quiet…ahhhhh. Time for some cleaning, laundry, or maybe even some blogging.
Then comes dinner prep (which, if I’m smart, I’ve started a bit during nap time…though I’m usually not smart), frantically picking up the house before my husband gets home so he doesn’t think I’ve been slacking all day (not that he would ever think that, but I like to have something somewhat tangible to show for my day at home), and handing the kids to my husband when he walks in the door so I can get food on the table.
Evenings, if we don’t have anywhere to go, are a direct reflection of the kind of day we’ve had. They can mean walks to the park or play time outside…or maybe just crashing on the couch in front of Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. (My daughter is getting good at guessing random letters!) Bath time and bedtime for the kids. A bit more precious peace and quiet on the couch (maybe we’ll catch up on an episode of Suits or Scandal) and then off to bed.
To do it all again tomorrow.
Sometimes it feels like I’m just in a holding pattern – waiting for the kids to get older and a bit more independent so they can play by themselves, we can do more things as a family, they can participate in other activities, etc. I’ll be honest and say many days it’s really difficult to find much excitement in the monotony of our daily life. It’s easy to look forward to life in a few years and just continue to tread water through this stage of life. But it takes a conscious decision – sometimes daily or even hourly – to find joy in little moments. I know it won’t be long before I’m wishing my way back to these beautifully boring days with my babies – wishing back to a day in these shoes of a young, tired, and insanely blessed mom.
[Tweet “It takes a conscious decision – sometimes daily or even hourly – to find joy in little moments”]
So, speaking of shoes – in a more literal sense! I purchased this pair of Birkenstocks from last month and let me tell you what, I LOVE them. Like, a lot. Normally I just wear a cheap pair of flip flops through the summer…and my feet don’t like me for it. It’s just so convenient to be able to throw them on. But these are the most comfortable, supportive, and durable sandals I have ever owned – and equally as convenient to toss on with just about any outfit I have on. I’ve worn them almost daily to run errands, to the park, on walks, to church, and even to work in the yard.
As a mom of two kids under the age of three (and because our town has a surprising lack of decent shoe stores), I can’t remember the last time I went shoe shopping just for myself. It was a real treat to spend part of nap time browsing the incredible selection of shoes at My shoes arrived quickly to my doorstep – no dragging the children out and about on a frustrating shopping trip! That’s a win for this mama. If you’re looking to get inspired by what others are wearing and share your own #ohsofamous moments, you will love the fun Famous Footwear style gallery – check it out here!
I know that I’ll be spending my summer days in these shoes…all the while, making an attempt each day to find some joy in the mundane moments!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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