Here we are at the end of another year, which means it’s time for us all to take a quick look back before we start looking forward to 2017. Things are no different in blog world, as we fire up good old Google Analytics to see which posts rose to the highest levels of popularity, and which posts barely saw the light of day. It’s always interesting to see which posts make this list, as quite often the posts that are the highest trafficked are the ones that I almost didn’t even write!
I have a few round-up posts that have been very popular (25 Handmade Christmas Gifts for Men actually topped the list!), but for the sake of this list, I only included original content posts written in 2016.
#10: Stay at Home Mom Stitch Fix Review – It took me a long time to actually sign up and try it, but I’ve gotten two Stitch Fixes now (you can see the second one here) and they are so much fun! I share a few great “first fix” tips in this post.
#9: Simple Wood Frame for a Canvas – I was so happy to see this post (along with the #8 and #3 post) made the top 10! I really love this sign, and plan on making a few more framed farmhouse signs like this for around our home.
#8: DIY Farmhouse Magnolia Wreath – This wreath was one of my favorite crafty projects of the year for sure…it was a great knock-off that saved me a ton of money!
#7: Oven Roasted Fall Medley – this post was my very first attempt at a video, and it went viral on Facebook! It’s also one of my favorite healthy/whole food recipes to make for my family, and it couldn’t be easier.
#6: DIY Father’s Day Photo Frame Tutorial – I’ve loved reading comments and emails from people that have followed this tutorial to create photo frames for their husbands and fathers!
#5: Best Ever Sangria – I think this might be the post I was most surprised to see on the top 10…I decided to take photos for a blog post kind of at the last minute when I was whipping up a batch. It ended up being really popular on Pinterest through the summer! (And it really is the Best Ever Sangria – SO yummy!)
#4: Winter ONEderland First Birthday Party – Gosh, I can’t believe this party was almost a year ago…that means my little man is going to be TWO years old in a month!! I loved putting this party together for him.
#3: DIY Painted Canvas Farmhouse Sign – This is another DIY knock-off that turned out beautifully! I included a detailed tutorial on how to use a vinyl stencil and get super crisp lines with no bleeding.
#2: Upcycled Mason Jar Lid Magnets – This is not a new project idea – people have been making things out of upcycled jar lids for a long time – but this simple little craft to upcycle leftover mason jar lids went viral on Facebook and Pinterest! They make great little handmade gifts, too.
#1: How to Hand Make All of your Christmas Gifts – I wrote this post as a launch for my eBook, 7 Steps to a Handmade Christmas, and evidently the idea of how to hand make all your Christmas gifts was a really intriguing one for Pinterest users! This post turned out to be my most popular one of the year.
I am honored and humbled at the growth of this little blog year after year! It always blows me away a little bit that there are real live people out there who actually care what I have to share. THANK YOU for being a reader – and Happy New Year!

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