I had a very sad looking flower pot that had seen better days.
I love the three dimensional detail around the top, and it’s still very functional…but ugly. What to do?
Spray paint! (You can see I used a sanding block to get all the loose paint chips off, first.)
I got the idea to spray paint a flower pot to give it new life from this post by Love of Family & Home I pinned a while ago on my Pinterest Outdoors Board.
Believe it or not – this is my first spray paint project! I have been wanting to try one FOREVER but just haven’t had the time or the right project…but it was so easy, I think now I’m hooked!
After a two light coats of spray paint, this pot is looking MUCH better!
(It doesn’t look quite as bright in real life…that’s just from taking a picture in the bright sunlight as it was drying!)
Now, the question is…what should I plant in it? I am a CLUELESS gardener. It’s going on my deck, which gets full sun almost all day. Any suggestions?
I will post again once it’s full of beautiful flowers! And hopefully I won’t kill it…you’ll be happy to know that my front porch planter is still doing well…so far!

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I picked up that exact paint – so excited to put it to use!
It’s a GREAT color! I’m already trying to think of what else I can use it on… :-)
Spray paint is addicting! :) your pot looks great!
I love that blue, I have three cans of it just sitting at home waiting. I would totally plant succulents in them. Home Depot had a workshop on them last month and I came home with tons of plants that only need watered every two weeks, love sun or shade and are gorgeous!
Plants that only need to be watered every 2 weeks are my kind of plants, haha! And I am already trying to think of something else I can paint that color blue…I love it!
[…] the flower pot that I spray painted last week? It was in sad shape and needed some […]