Hello, 2022!! It’s officially the start of a new year…even if it doesn’t really feel like it. Does anybody else feel like we’re still in the middle of 2020? Even though the calendar has changed not once, but TWICE since then, there just isn’t quite the freshness and excitement of a the new year that I typically feel in early January. Anyone else, or is that just me? It could be pandemic-related…or maybe it’s just as I’m getting older, I’m finally realizing that January doesn’t hold any kind of magical superpower ability to make yourself into a different person.
Setting goals and dreaming dreams is easy, but follow-through requires a whole lot of work. And not just a few hours, days, or even weeks of work…sustained commitment in the long term. Changing old habits is HARD. I know I’m not alone when I say I’ve started a slew of new habits in Januarys-past: organization systems, Bible reading plans, diets and exercise, self-care routines, Bible journalling, paper planners, meal planning routines, etc…and ALL of them have failed. That’s a 100% rate of failure. Some of them, I’ve been able to pick back up and work at (I’ve actually been consistently exercising ~5x/week for 6 months now!), others I’m a bit hit-or-miss on depending on the season, and others have completely fallen by the wayside.
Here’s the thing – I don’t think I’m alone. But on the surface, general society and social media would lead you to believe otherwise. The thought process goes a little bit like this… It seems like it should be so easy to just sit down and write out a healthy meal plan, shopping list, prep meals for the week, and then eat what I planned to eat. So many people do it, right? Especially all those people on Instagram. They make it look so easy. So why can’t I? I must be such a failure. I can’t even stick with a simple meal plan once a week. It’s just too hard. I might as well feed my family fast food tonight because I have nothing to cook. And I feel terrible about myself, so I’m going to eat ice cream every night. See what happens there? Instead of gradually improving my meal planning system and eating better, I actually made it worse!
I know you didn’t come here for a sermon or a self-help essay, so I won’t draw this out much farther. But in case you needed to hear it, you’re NOT ALONE when you slip up or completely fail those new goals and habits. In fact, you’re in very good company. It’s not a bad thing to start over…and start over again…and start over again. Set smaller goals, celebrate progress, and expect that you’ll fail and restart at least a few times along the way.
In that vein of fresh-starts-take-hard-work, I decided to create a little inspirational quote SVG to share with you: progress over perfection. Because, let’s be honest, perfection is simply unattainable. While it can be a good thing to have high standards for yourself, expecting perfection typically just ends in a whole lot of frustration and failure. But progress? Progress means you’re headed in the right direction! And the more progress you make, the more motivation you have to keep working at it.
What goals and habits are you working towards right now? Can you use this design to help you stay inspired? Maybe it could go on a workout tank top, or a water bottle. Or you could make it into a sign to put in your office. Actually, this would be perfect to cut out of a scrap of vinyl and stick on your bathroom mirror, so you see it every day!
Download the free .studio & SVG files for this Progress Over Perfection design HERE!
Need some inspiration? This collection has got you covered! There are so many quotes and designs to choose from, whether you’re looking to make a sign for a kid’s bedroom, some decor for your office, an element for a command center, a workout tee, or even to whip up a quick card to drop in the mail…these quotes will have you feeling motivated and ready to spread some joy. Browse around the links below to visit each blog and download your favorites.
Brooklyn Berry Designs – Radiate Positivity
30 Minute Crafts – Dreams don’t work unless you do
We Can Make That – Life is short, make it sweet
That’s What Che Said – Work Hard, Dream Bigger
Hello Creative Family – Believe in Yourself
The Girl Creative – Let Your Light Shine
Life Sew Savory – Let your faith be bigger than your fear
Homemade Heather – Lets be better humans
Try It Like It Create It – B U tiful
Everyday Party Magazine – Make it Happen
Kara Creates – Take Time to Make Your Soul Happy
Artsy Fartsy Mama – Dare to be Different
Liz on Call – When it Rains Look for Rainbows
unOriginal Mom – Progress over Perfection
Weekend Craft – To Plant a Garden is to Believe in Tomorrow

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[…] unOriginal Mom – Progress over Perfection […]
[…] unOriginal Mom – Progress over Perfection […]
I love that graphic workout tank. Such a great inspirational message and reminder to seek progress as our goal. Thanks for the SVG!
The formation of habits often requires time and patience, and occasional fluctuations are also normal. It is important to be tolerant of oneself and not discouraged by certain failures. Consider setting small and specific goals to gradually establish new habits, rather than trying too many at once.