It’s been a while since you’ve seen one of these, huh? An Original Fridays post? I loved being able to spotlight some of my favorite pins and posts I came across each week, but it started to get to the point where I resented the deadline of the title – ONLY posting those features on Fridays and having to post EVERY Friday. So I kind of let them float by the way-side, especially through our big move followed immediately by a busy holiday season.
I think the premise of my blog – being inspired by the great ideas of others to create things with my own spin and personality – lends itself well to featuring blog posts and Pinterest ideas that could inspire YOU to create as well…so I don’t want to entirely do away with the idea of “Original Fridays,” but instead they will be less of a Friday “deadline” and more random – when I come across a few great ideas, I will share them with you!
So, here’s where I need your help – I need a new name for these feature posts! I’ve never been good at coming up with tag lines and catch phrases, so I am at a loss. Do you have any great ideas?
In the meantime, since New Year’s Resolutions are still fresh in people’s minds, I’m going to share with you a few of my favorite organization pins! I’ve been collecting these pins, jealous of people who have the time, energy, and space to actually organize their stuff so beautifully. But instead of just oohing and aahing over them, one of my goals for the year is to work my way through our new house – room by room – and come up with a practical and easy way to organize the space that works for me and my family. That means you will be seeing a few organization posts on unOriginal Mom over the next 12 months (beginning with one on Monday!).
But first, just a few of my favorite (and easy!) organizing ideas via Pinterest:
Cereal box drawer dividers from IHeart Organizing.
I have had a box full of cereal boxes for about 6 months (yes, we moved it from the old house to the new one, and yes I know it wouldn’t made more sense to just toss them and get some more later!) waiting to try out this project. I just need to pick a drawer to try it with! I love the idea of such bright, cheerful colors greeting you every time you open the drawer – not to mention clean and organized!
Ribbon Organizer from Spunky Junky.
Simple, cheap, and genius! I have at least two shoeboxes full of ribbon that I always forget about. They would SO benefit from being organized out where I can easily see them all!
Mason Jar Bathroom Organizer via Flikr photo.
This one, I could do! A mason jar for cotton balls and a votive on top for cotton swabs. Simple and practical, but pretty too. You may be seeing this on my bathroom counter sometime soon!
Fabric Covered Boxes from And Away We Go.
One of the things that discourages me from having beautifully organized spaces is how darn expensive it is to buy containers to organize with! I love this simple tutorial for covering boxes with fabric to use as organization on open shelving. I hope to give this a try, too!
I hope these ideas have sparked a bit of organizational inspiration! Do you have any organizing goals for 2014?
(Don’t forget to help me out with a new name for “Original Fridays” – any ideas???)

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I love this round up, particularly the fabric covered boxes! It always gets my goat how much boxes cost at the store. I had never thought of using fabric to make my own. :D