Looking for some Easter Basket ideas for your 2 or 3 year old? Me too! This is the first year our 2.5 year old will really understand the whole Easter Basket thing, and I want to get her some things that she’ll love and actually use for more than a day or two. We focus on the story and meaning of Easter (the empty tomb!) and though I don’t think we’re going to even do the whole Easter Bunny thing with her, I still want to give her a few small things in an Easter Basket, just for fun!
Now, I don’t really like cheap, plastic-y, electronic toys – I much prefer toys that will encourage imaginative play and creativity. So if you’re like me and you’re looking for some ideas for your little one, here’s a list of some things that will be in our little girl’s Easter Basket (along with some things she already has and loves)…and the best part is, they are all “mom-approved” – nothing electronic, nothing too expensive, and no candy!!
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Non-Candy Easter Basket Ideas for Toddlers
Magnetic Block Set – these are even great for babies as young as around 10 months. They’re perfect for throwing in your purse for entertainment on the go, like waiting at a restaurant.
Jellycat Bunny – incredibly soft and cuddly, and perfect for Easter!
Books – throw in a few new books, like this one – such a cute book with a great message!
“Wood” Foam Blocks – a friend of ours has these and they are wonderful, especially if your kiddo is prone to throwing things :-)
Outdoor Toys – as the weather warms up, it’s a great time to replenish your stock of sidewalk chalk and bubbles!
Paint with Water Books – this is a low-mess way for your little one to paint at the kitchen table. My daughter has already gone through one of these books and is halfway through her second!
Wooden Puzzles – you can’t go wrong with wooden puzzles, especially when they’re learning their alphabet and colors at the same time!
Play Doh – my little girl loves Play Doh, and how cute are these little egg shaped containers?
I hope this list inspired you with some new ideas! What are some of your favorite toys for 2 and 3 year olds?
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These are amazing ideas! Thanks for sharing!
I found some ‘eggs’ at Home Depot that had potting medium and seeds inside. Your little one can tap the top with a spoon and remove the shell at the top. Adding water and watching it grow can happen over the rest of spring.
This is a great source of inspiration for geometry dash meltdown looking for ways to spice up their Easter without being limited to just candy giving.