57 Responses to Mod Podge and Food Coloring Painted Glass

  1. I would never have thought to use food coloring ;-) They turned out beautiful – I especially like the marks which the brush made ! Thank you for sharing at our ALL MY BLOGGY FRIENDS party :-)

    • I’m excited to try some new combinations of food coloring, too…I think pink or blue-green would be lovely too! Endless possibilities!

  2. Those are so pretty. Sometimes it just takes trial and error. Thanks for posting yours and giving the scoop on this cool technique. They will look stunning lit at night. Stopping by from Trans. Thurs. Have a lovely week. Blessings! Wanda

    • I thought about doing dots on the next ones too, I think they’d be super cute! AND the glasses are from the dollar store, so you can do a bunch however you’d like without spending much at all!

  3. Very pretty! How funny, I have a similar project in my Pinterest files as well. That particular post suggested using Mod Podge Gloss so I am wondering if that makes a difference? Thanks for sharing this and it encourages me to give it a try.

    Michelle @ On A Wing And A Prayer

  4. Lovely candle holders and I’m so glad you didn’t give up at the fail stage of the project! Bummer the baby food jars are “wasted” or did you find something else to do with them? Thank you for sharing at A Crafty Soiree. I’ve featured your project this week, it’ll be up tonight at midnight. I hope you come see it and share more of your crafty creations.

    • Thanks so much, Katie! And the baby food jars weren’t ruined…I just filled them up with water and let them sit for a few minutes, then the mod podge peeled right out! So they are sitting and waiting for the next project, haha.

  5. After the modge podge completely dries, should they still not touch water because I was thinking of making them into a vase to put flowers in?

    • Yeah even after it dries, if it gets wet it will peel right off, so you’d have to seal it with something else to be able to use it as a vase. If you were really careful with the water, you could paint the outside of the vase though!

  6. Im wanting to do this on some old beer bottles. For a n edging In a flower bed that I got from pinterest…Would a clear coat work to protect from the rain?

    • Hm, I’m not sure…honestly, I’ve never used any kind of clear coat before, so I don’t have much expertise there! It might work…you’ll have to try it and let me know!

    • I tried clear coat over modge podge in the past. It held up for a few weeks outside before beginning to peel away. I would stick to the outdoor modge podge and not risk it.

  7. I’ve been looking all over for votive holders in fall colors, to use my battery-powered tea lights. I’ll just make my own! Thanks.

  8. I love what you did here. Beautiful. I have seen some tutorials that say the bake the glass in an oven. Do you think that is to seal them and then they are water proof? Would love to know. Thanks again for your great tutorial.

    • Hi Joanne, I honestly have no idea about the baking…but you could try using outdoor mod podge, would would probably make make it waterproof (though not food safe). If you try either way, I’d love to hear about it!

        • Hi Malinda, I’d guess with regular mod podge it’s not food safe (and it’s not waterproof either), but you might be able to find some kind of sealant that is and try this method with it! Of course the food coloring would be fine.

  9. I tried this with Elmer’s glue and food coloring and once dried sprayed with modge podge to seal. Turned just like the candle stick! Wish I could post pics. I’m so proud of them. Lol

  10. Add a little glitter as well. Looks really nice! I’ve been nading them for some time now. You can also add some different sized micro beads for texture as well. Very fun to make.

  11. I’m going to try it with the waterproof modgepodge. Hoping the food coloring doesn’t mess with the water-safe aspect.

    • Let me know how it turns out! I’ve never actually tried to make waterproof versions of this but am curious to know if it works.

  12. P.S. They make outdoor mod podge for items that will be exposed to water. I use it to coat all of my projects just in case and give everything a nice shiny coat

    • Thanks for the tip Heather! I’ve added it to the post. I actually don’t think they even made outdoor Mod Podge when I wrote this post, or at least they didn’t stock it at my craft store (this was several years ago!) but I have used it on other projects since then and it does hold up really well in the elements!

  13. Thank you for the wonderful idea! I finished mine and have them in a warm oven. Your lines are so even and pretty. I think I was too impatient. I still like the way they look though. Thanks….it would be really nice to be able to post pictures on here as well. I would love to see everyone else’s finished product. Just a thought…

    • yep – it works – I took a green “food coloured” candle holder to a friend’s place as a house warming gift and wondered why i had green on everything!!! it was a warm evening and my hands must have been sweating a tiny bit. He sealed it with rustoleum x2 – been on his balcony for 6 months and it is fine.

  14. I have tried and tried and tried. I guess I wasnt using the thin strokes. I made some candles for halloween yesterday and their STILL sticky. I thought modern podge sealed it. Well shoot fire. I need a sealant on them.

    • I haven’t heard that before but I’d be interested to see if it works! I’d be really careful with glass in the oven though. Let me know if you try it!

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stay-at-home mom to three beautiful children, wife to an incredible husband, and daughter of a loving God. I freely admit that I am not always the most creative or original person when it comes to crafting, decorating, organizing, cooking, etc...but I love being inspired by great ideas and putting my own spin on them! Look around, stay a while, and I hope through my *unoriginality* I can provide some inspiration to you, too!

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