This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Fruttare, but all my opinions are my own. #itsallgood #pmedia
I’m a stay-at-home mom to an almost-2-year-old, and while she certainly keeps me on my toes, there are some days where the monotony of everyday gets to both of us. I’m slowly learning some “tricks” to add to my mommy toolbox – fun games and activities that I can whip out at a moments notice when they’re needed…either for my daughter’s entertainment, or my sanity!
Now that the weather is warmer, I’ve been adding to my list of toddler water fun ideas that help pass the time on hot summer afternoons. And what toddler doesn’t love water? I thought I’d put a quick list together of some of our favorites (as well as some on our list to try out soon!) to help any other toddler-mamas out there looking for some ways to break out of the everyday!
1. The pool! We got pool memberships this year and it has been great fun to pack a lunch, head to the pool for an hour or so, and then come home. (Bonus – Addy always takes a GREAT nap after an hour at the pool!) Our local pool has “toddler time” from 12-1 which is not very crowded at all, even on hot days. Check and see if any pools near you have a special designated toddler swim time! You could also visit a park with a splash pad if you have one nearby.
2. Water Table & Variations. This is great fun – and you can do LOTS of variations with it. Just add a couple of plastic cups and plastic balls…or some sponges…or some bowls and measuring cups…or some funnels…it will be new and exciting every time! If you don’t have a water table, you can use a big bin full of water…or even add the same “accessories” to the wading pool for even more water fun.
3. Spray bottles. I picked up a couple of small ones in the travel toiletries section at Target and it’s a fun alternative to water guns, which I’m not quite ready to give to my toddler yet! The only rule is no squirting at people!
4. Wash the car. Give them a sponge and let them go at it while you wash! It’s a good way to do something productive and have some fun, too.
5. Paint with water. Get out some different size paint brushes (old ones you don’t care about) and a bucket of water and “paint” the driveway or deck. It’s especially fun if you use chalk first, and they can watch it disappear as they paint the water!
6. Sprinkler. Good old-fashioned water fun in the yard!
7. Water Wall. I haven’t made one of these yet but I would love to try it out – I think it would be great fun! There are some neat ideas here and here.
Of course, after all that water play, your little one (and you!) will be hungry. So here’s another way to break out of the monotony of everyday – a delicious, fruity, frozen treat from Fruttare! Fruttare Fruit & Juice Bars are full of real fruit taste, made with creamy milk or refreshing juice.
I picked some up at Wegmans (our nearby grocery store) in the freezer section with the ice cream. You can find them in many stores nationwide! There were so many yummy-sounding flavors to choose from, it was hard to decide! I settled on Mango and a variety pack with Strawberry and Milk and Mixed Berry and Milk.
We tried these for the first time the other day after playing in the sprinkler, and they were a big hit – of course Addy couldn’t wait to get it in her little hands. (“Addy do it?”)
And she knew just what to do.
I think she liked it!
And I snuck a few licks, too. I was thrilled to see actual blueberries – a delicious frozen dessert made with actual fruit and milk? This is a dessert I can get behind!
These Fruttare Fruit & Juice Bars are such a great treat to turn an “everyday” into a special day! Not just for kids…I enjoyed one during nap time yesterday afternoon and it was a delicious mommy indulgence :-)
Visit on Fruttare on Facebook to check out more flavors and even some recipes! (I spied a delicious looking Pina Colada recipe on there the other day!)
Do you have any other toddler water fun ideas? I’m always looking for more!

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I picked up a sprinkler mat at the thrift store – you plug in the hose pipe and then they can run through the sprinklers – my kids love it. Those smoothie ice creams look delicious and very refreshing!