7 Responses to 10 Tips to Create a Temporary School Room at Home

  1. I too am in the middle of a whole house Tetris project in preparing for the school year. Toys have been moved from
    the playroom to the youngest’s room. Playroom will become high school for the two oldest, and sunroom will become kindergarten for the youngest. Almost all of your images I looked at last week while doing my own “research”.

    Best of luck to all, whichever way your family chooses.

  2. We just moved this summer so still feeling flexible.
    A week into self isolating our eldest – his year group got sent home because of a positive test. 13yr old. We’ve got by pushing the dining table up to the window, A tablet stand, a spare magazine file and our usual pencil caddy on the windowsill when we need the table clear. I take the tablet, and his phone, for charging out of the space so it’s not a distraction.

    I would say, get a stock of presentation folders – the clear front ones you just clip the sheets into, they are great for organising all the loose papers by subject. Our printer has worked overtime printing resources from school but otherwise it’s not been too bad.

  3. Some really cute setups here!

    Our favorite spot has always been the kitchen table.

    We purposely bought a huge 8 seater table even when there were only 3 of us, simply so that we’d have tons of space for spreading everything out for homeschool!

  4. I know this is an older post, but for those out there who are still looking for ideas, the Latchmate storage totes from Michael’s work great for homeschool storage. Each child can have their own tote and you can put workbooks and school books in the bottom and pencils, erasers, scissors, glue, markers, etc. in the top organizer. Then, when it’s time to do school, everybody just grabs their own tote and heads to their designated workspace.

  5. I really appreciate these tips. Creating a functional and organized space for schoolwork at home is such a game-changer, especially with everything going on. I love how you’ve provided practical advice that’s easy to adapt to different family situations.

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stay-at-home mom to three beautiful children, wife to an incredible husband, and daughter of a loving God. I freely admit that I am not always the most creative or original person when it comes to crafting, decorating, organizing, cooking, etc...but I love being inspired by great ideas and putting my own spin on them! Look around, stay a while, and I hope through my *unoriginality* I can provide some inspiration to you, too!

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