This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Clearasil, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #SuperFruits
True confession – I am 27 years old, and I struggle with clear skin.
I made it through middle school, high school, and the beginning of college with virtually flawless skin, and thought I had escaped the acne affliction that many of my friends had battled in their teenage years…but sadly, I did not. While most other people’s skin was clearing up, mine was getting worse.
The most awful part was trying to assert my authority as a first-year teacher in a middle school all while my skin was breaking out just like my students! Here I am after opening night of the middle school musical that I directed during my first year of teaching. Hard to miss those big red bumps on my cheek and chin, huh? (And that’s with tons of cover-up and foundation!)
Luckily I’ve never had extreme acne, but I’ve struggled with oily skin, break-outs, and blemishes for quite a while. I’ve tried many products – expensive mail-order skin regimens, harsher cleaners, battery operated skin exfoliaters – but I just never found anything I really loved and could dedicate myself to using on a regular basis like they directed.
To be honest, I could probably *mostly* clear up my skin if I was really serious about washing my face 3 times a day, using a face wash, toner, spot treatment, etc…but I’m lucky if I get a shower in the first place! My skin care “regimen” consists of washing my face in the shower in the morning, and sometimes washing my face before bed in the evening. (Being a stay at home mom means I don’t often have any make-up to wash off at the end of the day anyway!)
When I had the opportunity to try Clearasil’s NEW! Daily Clear Refreshing Superfruit Cleansers and share my review with you, I jumped at the chance. It’s marketed as being gentle enough to use twice a day, every day. They are formulated with sensorial Superfruit Extracts AND are gently medicated with 1% salicylic acid acne medication to help prevent blemishes. (Boo, blemishes. My skin’s nemesis.) That all sounded good to me!
So I headed over to Walmart to pick up a bottle and give it a try for myself. Clearasil makes their Refreshing Superfruit products in three different varieties – Wash, Scrub, or Pads.
I chose the wash. And I started using it daily!
First thing I noticed – super convenient pump top that dispenses the perfect amount into your hand. Yay for not having to put a cap back on with one hand while holding the product in your other hand! I know, #firstworldproblems…but really, it’s the little things. I’m glad Clearasil thought of that!
Second thing I noticed – it smells AH-MAZING. Fruity and fresh and clean. (Mmmm Raspberry & Cranberry extracts.) SO good!
Third thing I noticed – it has a nice lather without foaming too much, and rinses off completely to make your face feel and smell fresh and clean!
And lastly – and most importantly – it works. It makes my skin feel refreshed, soft and clean, and takes away any oily, greasy, or grimy feeling. It doesn’t overly dry your skin, either. And I can’t get over how good it smells! I haven’t had the chance to use it for an extended amount of time, so I can’t yet tell you for sure if this will be my clear skin solution…but so far, so good!
(If you’re REALLY observant, you’ll notice I forgot to take these pictures until after I’d already been using the face wash for a week…oops…so there’s a little bit gone out of the top of the bottle. Don’t worry, it is completely full when you buy it!)
I have a little gift for you! Well, it’s not really from me, but I’m excited to share it with you. A COUPON! Yay! Who doesn’t love to save money? Clearasil’s NEW! Daily Clear Refreshing Superfruit Cleansers are already super affordable, but with this $1 off coupon it’s a steal! So take your coupon to your nearest Walmart to buy your own!
—> COUPON for $1 off Clearasil’s NEW! Daily Clear Refreshing Superfruit Cleansers <—
If you want clear skin, and you’re looking for an affordable, refreshing, effective skin cleanser, I hope you’ll head over to Walmart and give Clearasil Superfruit Cleansers a try! Then, report back here – I’d love to hear what you think of it!

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Pretty pics! I want to wash my face…and eat the raspberries :)
Haha yup, you can bet those raspberries didn’t make it back to the fridge…they were gone within seconds of taking the last photo ;-)
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