107 Responses to Best Baby Shower Gift Ever!

    • So glad you like it! It was a lifesaver for me, I hope it is useful for you too! Still thinking of you and wishing you a fast and comfortable last month and a half!

  1. This is such a great idea! I just might make this for myself, and I will definitely be doing one for my next preggo friend.

  2. Awesome idea! My pile of baby paperwork was in a pile on a shelf for the longest time, and I had no idea what to do with it. This would have been wonderful!

    • Thanks, Bethany! It was SO helpful to have a place for all those papers before the baby was even born…otherwise I know it would have been a gigantic mess that I’d still be trying to get organized!

  3. This is absolutely wonderful! I’m not crafty at all but this seems like something even I can do ;). I LOVE that you listed all the categories as well. I’m not a mother yet (hopefully in the near future), but I like to plan in advance so I’ll be making this soon ;)

  4. What a great idea! I remember being so out of it when my second was born that I just crammed all that paperwork into a giant envelope and then had to spread it all out at each Dr. visit, insurance call, etc. Something like this would have been so handy!

    • Yes, organization is definitely not something one thinks about as a sleep deprived new mom! It is so handy to be able to just grab the entire folder and take it with you to the dr’s office, or wherever!

  5. I think it’s cute that the name of your blog is ‘Unoriginal Mom’ but that I have never ever hear of or seen anything like this! Such an awesome idea! I just love practical shower gifts!

    • Haha, thanks Lena! I wish I could take credit for coming up with this idea on my own, but it was a gift I received at MY baby shower last year, and was too great not to share! I have since been making them for every baby shower I attend…and I am always sure that no one else will bring the same gift, too! :-)

  6. This is a great idea for a gift. I’ve never thought about that. I’d love for you to check out our Pattern Party! Those with free patterns and templates to share are invited to link up! Starts on the 1st of each month.

  7. That is a great idea! In the fog of life after a baby is born it can be hard to think of things like where to stash the important documents. It would be very helpful to have something like that all set up for you! Thanks for sharing at A Crafty Soiree and please consider doing a guest post! I’d love to have you.

  8. Where was this when I had my son a year ago!! He alone takes up his own file box! I could have used this…and I would have loved it as a gift! Definitely going to try this out as a gift for my friends. :)

    • Tell me about it…it’s still amazing to me how much STUFF accumulates with such a little person! The great thing about the labeled file folders inside of the accordion folder is that it’s portable when they’re brand new…but as they start to accumulate more and more paperwork, you can transfer the file folders to hanging folders in a file cabinet. I had to transfer the “manuals” folder to the file cabinet almost immediately, with all the thick manuals for baby stuff we got!

  9. Now, this IS a great shower gift idea, and original to boot! I have a shower coming up next weekend, and would love to receive this as a gift. It’s so much better than a thousand swaddle blankets and washcloths.

    • The nice thing is, if you don’t receive it as a gift you can make it yourself, exactly the way you want it ;-) (And I got SO many washcloths at my shower…it wasn’t even funny! I mean, really people! Haha.)

    • Haha I think there’s some inner-organizing-nerd in us all :-) Glad you like it! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. This is a great idea! Since I will be throwing my friend a baby shower, I was undecided on a gift. Wanted to give her something not too expensive.

    • That is one of the reasons I LOVE giving this gift – it is so inexpensive! But it is still special because it is not something you can buy in a store, and is so useful!

  11. Lucky me! I have a baby shower coming up next month! Looks like I just found my gift! Jumping over from Happy Hour!

    • Thanks so much for including my idea, Lauren! That is a GREAT round-up of a good variety of ideas for showers! Definitely pinning for future reference :-)

  12. Thanks for the post – i saw it at The Thinking Closet and adapted it a bit. I’m expecting twin grandchildren this summer and made a looseleaf for a shower this week that was much appreciated. Tabed dividers, page protectors and pockets for small items will keep things for both babies in one place and not risk falling out in the car or diaper bag. I had already made them one for household paperwork as a housewarming – great minds think alike :-) Thanks Meredith!

    • Yes, with twins, your daughter (or daughter-in-law) will have to be twice as organized!! Great idea to adapt it into a binder! Enjoy those grandbabies :-)

  13. Love this idea. As a foster mom I can tell you this would be even more appreciated as a gift/or something to keep ready for receiving a new placement. Things can get really crazy especially when they have a different last name and its not a child you birthed so even their birthday is a mystery when your standing at the doctors receptionist! lol Then you have so many things you are required to do with each placement, the paperwork is never ending. Just a thought for your readers! Thank you for sharing this with us! :-)

  14. Thank you SO much for posting this. Made this for one of my coworkers and she LOVED it. Now I have multiple requests from other future and current moms in the office.

    • Aw, I’m so glad your coworker liked it! This is now my go-to shower gift…people expect it from me, haha! And it’s so easy to make a few at a time and keep them on hand :-)

  15. […] Organizational Folder for Baby’s Documents- It’s not a gift anyone can register for, and certainly one that sounds pretty ho-hum until you see just how neat they look and realize how practical they are. Using an accordion file and decorative file folders, you create a place for Mom to store things like the baby’s birth certificate, hospital bills, insurance information, vaccination books and other baby-related things. Check out the photos and simple instructions at Unoriginal Mom. […]

  16. I LOVE LOVE this idea! I just made it for my friend’s baby shower I will be attending. I hope she likes it just as much as I do. I even found a clear accordion file so the colorful folders (Target as well) show through! Definitely gonna be my go to shower gift in the future as well! Thanks again for sharing!!!

  17. What a fantastic idea. And what a thoughtful friend for thinking of such a helpful gift. I could definitely have done with something like that because I have paperwork scattered all over my house.

    • Thanks Alena! Glad to know that it is helpful for other folks, too, because it certainly has been a life save for me!

  18. Could you make some of these, after the birth of my little girl (Wednesday!) I see that I could really use one.

    If you are open to make more than one for me, I’d like to ask for 3. I’ll pay!let me know what you think.

    I looked on Etsy and can’t find anyone making them :-(.

    Thank you!

    • Hi Claudia, congratulations on your little girl! I don’t make these to sell, but you could so easily make one yourself if you just pick up an accordion file and a pack of file folders…or maybe a friend could pick some up for you from the store? They are so easy! Hope you are enjoying the first days with your new little one!

  19. Thank you so much for this amazing idea! I made one for my friend’s shower yesterday and it was a huge hit! She even asked if I could make one for her older baby too :) I had found some gorgeous teal patterned files and a transparent white folder that allowed the color to come through, then put the baby’s name on the outside with big stick-on letters. I think this has become my go-to shower gift from now on!

    • Yay, I’m so glad she liked it! That folder sounds gorgeous too, great finds! I have made so many of these now…they’re definitely a great “go-to” gift for showers, especially if you personalize them!

  20. very lovely idea.

    To make one for school paperwork, the next stage, you will need a large 9 drawer lateral file unit, like at a doctors office!!!! It could be decorated I suppose…

  21. This is fantastic! I’ve told my husband that we need to make one for our kiddo (due next month) and one for each of us. I also have a friend due in April and my nephew’s wife is due in June. Best baby shower gift ever! I always give thermometers, baby Q-Tips and a handmade blanket. This will be added to that group.

  22. This is such a brilliant idea!!! I thought I was organised with my first but with all the paperwork, cards and gifts things got a little hectic. I received some beautiful handmade wooden toys from someone and I wish I get things all together as I can’t remember who made it.

  23. I had to leave a comment to let you know that I have used this fantastic idea of yours for several baby showers over the last couple years. It’s always a fan favorite. Today, I finally got to make one for me :D

    • Oh, I’m so glad to hear that Sarah…I’ve made so many, and they are always such a big hit! I’m so happy that this little idea has served you so well. And congratulations to you – I hope you find this as practical and helpful as I did!!

  24. This idea is still going strong. I used it for my niece Jessica’s first son, and now her sister is expecting (baby shower tomorrow), so she gets one, too. I called Jessica first, though to make sure she is actually using the one I got her, and she is.

  25. Baby shower gift ideas is best idea for give mom…I think is the best gift like before baby born you just collect all things related baby…what you doing after baby what is necessary during baby born and all thing so its good to give this gift…

  26. Such a adorable personalized gift. I was just thinking what could I get my sister in law for her baby shower..I’m not sure what present would be best, Actually you helped me a lot…This is more unique, lovely and very important.

  27. This is awesome!! I wonder if we could make one for a wedding gift! Just can’t figure out what labels/folders you’d need. Any ideas?

  28. I just found this idea, and am in love with it! I’m making this for a co-worker who is adopting from young couple not ready for parenthood. Im also adding a legal/will/guardian tab; many new moms/dads forget to add those very important documents. Because of the adoption, she feels like she’s missing out on some of the “nesting” that happens, and this idea will help her with that clued in, included, feeling.

    • How sweet of you! I am sure your co-worker will love it…I still make it for every baby shower I attend, it’s a great and very practical gift. Plus I still use the folder I was gifted with my first baby! Adding that extra tab is a great idea too.

  29. I made this as a gift for a friend. I included some of the list for what to pack for the hospital visit. Baby bag, Mommy bag & Daddy bag. I guess it came in handy when my friend went into labor a month before her due date and Dad had to pack for them all.

  30. Finding the best baby shower gift can be a fun yet challenging task, as you want to choose something thoughtful and useful. One idea that stands out is a personalized gift. Imagine giving a hand-embroidered baby blanket with the baby’s name or initials, or a custom-made storybook where the baby is the main character. Such gifts could add a personal touch that resonates with the parents, making it a cherished keepsake for years to come. Personalized gifts like these might not always be the most obvious choice, but they certainly hold the potential to become the most memorable and loved. The best part? You have a wide range of options to choose from, all while adding a unique, meaningful element to your gift.

  31. Finding the best baby shower gift can be a fun yet challenging task, as you want to choose something thoughtful and useful. One idea that stands out is a personalized gift. Imagine giving a hand-embroidered baby blanket with the baby’s name or initials, or a custom-made storybook where the baby is the main character. Such gifts could add a personal touch that resonates with the parents, making it a cherished keepsake for years to come. Personalized gifts like these might not always be the most obvious choice, but they certainly hold the potential to become the most memorable and loved. The best part? You have a wide range of options to choose from, all while adding a unique, meaningful element to your gift.

  32. Finding the perfect baby shower gift can be challenging, but personalized gifts like custom baby blankets, memory books, or diaper cakes are always a hit. Practical items like baby monitors, feeding sets, or swaddle sets are also thoughtful. For more unique gift inspiration, explore this guide to creative gifts.

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stay-at-home mom to three beautiful children, wife to an incredible husband, and daughter of a loving God. I freely admit that I am not always the most creative or original person when it comes to crafting, decorating, organizing, cooking, etc...but I love being inspired by great ideas and putting my own spin on them! Look around, stay a while, and I hope through my *unoriginality* I can provide some inspiration to you, too!

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