This adorable baby crayon costume is made out of a zip-up sleeper, so it’s perfect for newborns and little babies!
I’m writing and scheduling this post out in advance, but today is several days past my due date with baby #3 – so hopefully by the time you’re reading this, I’m snuggling our new baby! And if I’m not, I’m probably very hormonal and irritated so it’s best that I’m away from the blog anyway, ha. In any case, I knew that with an early October due date, whenever our little one decided to join us, I wouldn’t be able to spend time making a baby Halloween costume AFTER baby’s arrival…so I made it ahead of time.
Knowing that we’d have a less-than-one-month-old by Halloween, a practical and comfortable costume that would work with the baby strapped into the carseat carrier was a must – no fluffy tutus or big crazy hats or anything like that. Another complicating factor is we don’t know what we’re having (read more about why we’ve waited to find out the gender of all our babies here), so I either had to pick a gender neutral costume or make a girl costume AND a boy costume. I decided a baby crayon costume would be perfect – it was easy to just double everything and make a pink crayon for a baby girl and a blue crayon for a baby boy. Sure, I very easily could have just picked a neutral color like yellow or green…but, come on. That’s not nearly as fun. ;-)
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- solid colored zip-up footie PJs – OR you could also do this with a solid colored onesie, with or without pants ( has a great selection of solid colored clothes for babies and big kids!)
- Black heat transfer vinyl + Crayon cut file (available in my Silhouette Library)
- Silhouette or Cricut machine
- iron, heat press, or Cricut EasyPress
- this crochet pattern and coordinating yarn for the crayon hat
I think the hat is my favorite part of this costume! I can’t wait to see what it looks like on baby’s head. I searched high and low for a baby-size crayon hat pattern, and ended up using this pattern. (I figured it was worth a few bucks to give it a try.)
Y’all, I am NO crochet pro. I tend to crochet in spurts…I learned when I was pregnant with my first baby and wanted to make all-the-baby-things, crocheted a few booties and hats, started an afghan, and then put away the crochet stuff for a few years. I’ve gotten out the crochet hooks for a few projects here and there, but every time I do I essentially have to re-learn how to do it. This time around was no different! So let me tell you, if you have even a little bit of crochet experience, you can make these hats…they’re really not as hard as they look.
For reference, I followed the 0-3 month size rather than the newborn – my other two babies were around 9 pounds with large heads and were out of newborn sized clothing within a week or two of birth, and I figured it would be better to have a hat that was slightly too big than too small. We’ll see how it works out!
If you’re not a crocheter, or just don’t have the time to make a hat like this, you could easily whip up something similar using a party hat and some card stock!
I knew that a Halloween costume for a less-than-one-month-old would need to be practical and comfortable, so I opted to make the baby crayon costume out of solid colored zip-up footie PJs. I thought about using a onesie and pants, but ultimately decided that the PJs would be even more practical. Depending on the age of the baby and the climate you’re in, you can opt to use whatever kind of baby clothing item you want!
I created my crayon design in Silhouette Studio – the curvy black lines for the top and bottom of the costume, the “Crayon” label, and the color name. The tricky part of using the zip-up PJs was getting the HTV around all the seams, zippers, and snaps.
I split the “Crayon” logo down the middle to allow for the zipper. Originally I was worried that it would look funky, but really it doesn’t look too bad!
And rather than trying to measure and have my Silhouette cut the exact width of each of the black swirls for across the chest and around the ankles, I used scissors to trim them to the right width. I also trimmed them to fit around the curve of the seams under the arms.
Ironing on all these little pieces was time consuming, I’m not going to lie. I think it would have been considerably easier if I had pressing pillows and could have used my EasyPress, but as it was the EasyPress was too big to get into some of the smaller spaces around seams and zippers. So I used my iron, lots of pressure, and lots of patience.
If you’d like to make a Crayon costume of your own (for a baby, or a big kid!), I added my cut files in .studio and SVG format to my Silhouette Library – sign up for free access via the form at the bottom of this post!
Despite the HTV challenges, I think they turned out adorably! I can’t wait to see it on my baby – and to find out if we’ll be needing the pink or blue crayon costume!! Hopefully I’ll be able to take some pictures of the baby actually wearing the costume and come back to update this post later on, so stay tuned :-)
Here are some super cute baby Halloween costumes from some of my blogging friends:
DIY Baby Owl Costume – Cutesy Crafts
Good N Plenty Baby Costume – Suburban Housewife City Life
Bumble Bee Baby Costume – Sew What Alicia
Baby Football Costume – The Scrap Shoppe Blog
DIY Infant Bear Costume – It Happens in a Blink
No-Sew Baby Mermaid Costume – Craft Box Girls
Princess Leia Baby Wig – Tried and True
Baby Cow Costume – Make It Love It
Weeping Angel Costume – Housewife Ecclectic
Ice Cream Cone – Pretty Life Girls

Subscribe to unOriginal Mom via email and get instant access to my library of FREE Silhouette Studio & SVG cut files - exclusively for email subscribers. Plus there's a new file added every month!
I love those baby crayon costume. I wish I had the dexterity to do something similar. Can they be bought somewhere?
[…] Angel | Ice Cream Cone Baby Owl | Princess Leia | Mermaid | Baby Bear Good & Plenty Candy | Crayons | Owl | Bumble Bee […]
[…] […]
[…] Owl Costume Baby Ice Cream Cone Costume Baby Weeping Angel Costume Good & Plenty Baby Costume Baby Crayon Costume Bumble Bee Costume For Baby Baby Football Costume Onesie Costume . . . . […]
[…] DIY Baby Crayon Costume – unOriginal Mom says: at […]
[…] Angel | Ice Cream Cone Baby Owl | Princess Leia | Mermaid | Baby Bear Good & Plenty Candy | Crayons | Owl | Bumble […]
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This post is nice.