I am BEYOND excited to share with you the launch of my very first eBook…The Baby Shower Book! I’ve been working on this behind-the-scenes for several months now (and dreaming about writing an eBook for even longer), so today is a big day for me.
Let me tell you a bit about the story of how The Baby Shower Book came to be. Over the past few years, I have accumulated a wealth of knowledge on the subject of baby showers…kind of by accident. It wasn’t on purpose, it just happened that way. I’ve hosted several showers and attended countless others, so of course I’ve done lots of blogging about it. I continue to be amazed at how popular those baby shower are! However, I’m not a very experienced party hostess, so in hosting those showers I did a LOT of reading and Pinterest-ing (I know that’s not a word, but it should be) about all-things-baby-shower. There is a huge amount of inspiration out there for baby shower ideas, but not a lot of practical advice or information about actually hosting one. I realized a “how to” guide for planning and hosting a baby shower would be a really great resource – that’s when I decided to create one myself! So, as I set out to write The Baby Shower Book, my goal was to be as practical and helpful as I possibly could be.
Essentially, this book is the ultimate handbook to planning a baby shower. The pages are jam packed full of organization tips, advice, and plenty of crafty inspiration. But perhaps the biggest bang-for-your-buck is in the printables! I’ve creating a printable Planning Toolkit to accompany the book as a terrific way to get organized and track all of those pesky little party planning details. As an added resource, I’ve there’s also a Games & Activities Pack with TWENTY printable baby shower games for you to choose from!
Here’s what my friend Stephanie from Sandpiper & Co had to say after reading The Baby Shower Book:
“Even as an experienced shower hostess myself, this is super helpful! Especially the game ideas & printables. I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent googling baby shower games so to have them all in one place is awesome. It’s worth it alone for the planning checklist – especially if you are co-hosting so that you can easily split up the tasks. I recently had my first baby and my baby showers were some of the sweetest celebrations – people notice the details and Meredith’s wisdom will help you plan for all those special touches.”
I could go on and on talking about the book here…but I made a pretty landing page that has all the details, and I’d love for you to check it out. I’ve priced the packages at a special discount for the launch, so be sure to take advantage of the launch price now before it goes up! You can purchase your copy here!
Now, I realize that not all of you readers are currently in the midst of planning a baby shower – obviously this is a book for a geared toward a very specific audience! If you have a friend that is planning one, though, I would love for you to tell them about this resource. (And if you’d like to gift a copy to a friend, contact me and I’d be happy to help you do that!)
Thank you so much for your support in this milestone accomplishment in my blogging life…I couldn’t have done it without you, dear readers!!


The perfect party is all in the preparation. This complete baby shower planning checklist will help you with every step along the way!
Hey there Meredith! Super congrats on your first e-book!! YAY!! So very exciting!! =) It looks like an awesome all-in-one resource! I will definitely be keeping this in mind for the future and will pass along to others in this season of life. :)
Thanks so much, Ciara!!
I just ordered the whole shebang and I love it. It is so complete. I love that you have games and so many ideas. This is going to be so fun!! Thanks, Kate
Oh, Kate, I am SO glad to hear that! Thanks for taking the time to come back and leave a comment. Have fun with your planning!!
Meredith–super big CONGRATS on releasing your first ebook! That is so exciting and quite the accomplishment! I bet you feel like you’ve “given birth” with this event too, haha. It looks like such a great resource, and I LOVE the color scheme and styling you selected! Way to go! :)
Thanks so much, Christine!! Yes, it was definitely a labor of love, haha. Thanks for your sweet words!
Hey Meredith, Congrats on your first e-book. I am planning to host my baby shower soon and I believe your book will guide me in making my ceremony really memorable. I look forward to reading it.
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