It’s hard to believe, but we’ve been a family of FIVE for almost a month now (!!!), so I thought it was about time I introduced you all to the newest member of our sweet family. Everyone, meet Clara!
Thanks to our friend Amber from Amber Roy Photography for these beautiful photos!
I won’t go into great depth with birth story details, but true to the precedent set by her big brother and sister she decided she was too comfy on the inside and hung on well past her due date. I went in for an induction (delayed by a day due to a full Labor and Delivery wing at the hospital), and after a LOT of waiting, about 12 hours of labor and only 5 minutes of pushing, she finally made her appearance in the wee hours of the morning!
If you recall, we didn’t know whether we were having a boy or a girl. I think deep down I *wanted* a girl, so the whole pregnancy had been expecting it to be a boy. I actually saw her girly parts before anyone else did, so I got to make the announcement to the delivery room – “It’s a girl!!!” – followed immediately by my next thought – “your big brother is going to be so upset!” (He had been set for the entire pregnancy on having a little brother, even going so far as to suggest if it was a girl we should “give it back.” Ha!!) Thankfully, though, both big brother and big sister were completely infatuated at the first sight of their baby sister. It nearly makes my heart burst to watch them interact with her – they’re both so tender, loving, and proud.
Of course, adding a newborn to the mix has it’s fair share of challenges, but so far this sweet baby girl has been an absolute dream. She’s a good eater (up more than a pound from her birth weight at her two week check-up, and still growing fast!), a good sleeper, and a pretty content baby – most of the time. I don’t know how much of that is due to her personality and how much is due to my husband and I being more confident in our newborn-parenting-skills the third time around…likely a little of both…but regardless, I’m not complaining!
Things will be a bit quiet here on the blog for the next few months as we continue to adjust to life as a family of five – and as I soak up as many newborn baby snuggles as I can! I’ll be scaling back on the new posts and email newsletters until at least after the new year, but there are loads of Thanksgiving and Christmas project ideas in my gallery if you’re looking for some inspiration ;-)
Thank you, dear readers, for all the comments, prayers, and words of encouragement through this pregnancy and the birth of our sweet Clara. We’re so excited to continue getting to know this precious baby girl that God designed to be part of our little family!

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Congratulations, Meredith! She is beautiful!
Congrats, Your precious baby enjoy this special time.
Aww. Congratulations! She’s beautiful! Take your time and enjoy the holidays with your sweet family!
Congratulations on you new bundle of joy. She is beautiful. Enjoy the time with your family.
Beautiful family! Congrats!
Congratulations, she is very precious, enjoy your well deserved maternity leave.
Congratulations….precious and beautiful family.