Thank you to Kleenex Hand Towels for sponsoring this post.
I think it’s safe to say that we’ve recovered from Addy’s first birthday…decorations have been taken down and put away, leftovers have been eaten, gifts have been opened and enjoyed (still working on thank you notes, though)…and my baby girl is officially one year old!
Of course, opening gifts was very fun…
But I think she liked the cake the best!
The party itself was a great success. The weather cooperated, even though it had rained almost every day that week, and we had a beautifully sunny (though HOT) day! Here’s a shot of everyone (inside in the AC!) as my mom was reading a blessing over Addy.
There was LOTS of preparation involved in putting on this party…but one “no-brainer” that I didn’t have to prepare for was throwing a box of Kleenex Hand Towels in the bathroom. It is a great way to make your guests feel pampered. Instead of having to use a damp, dirty hand towel (unless they are the first one to use the bathroom!) each guest gets a clean, absorbent, fresh hand towel to themselves! And if you need to do a quick mid-party bathroom counter wipe-down, it couldn’t be easier. Kleenex Hand Towels are a must for summer entertaining (or any time of year, for that matter!) and are available at most major retailers for $2.99/box.
All in all, the party was a wonderful get-together of friends and family who all love our little girl. We are so very blessed to have them all in our lives!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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