I’m excited to introduce you to my friend Jessi from Practically Functional! I love her blog’s byline – “real projects for real people.” She always makes such great projects with tutorials that are truly accessible to everyone. She’s here today sharing some fun and inspirational fall crafts and projects!
Are you ready for fall yet?! I am! I know I’ll be sad to put the flip flops and shorts away, but it means I get to pull out my boots and sweaters, which is just as good! I’m super excited to be here sharing 12 quick and easy ways to get yourself and your home ready for fall.
But first, let me introduce myself! I’m Jessi, and I blog at Practically Functional, a blog about real projects that real people can actually do! You don’t have to be a pro in order to craft or do DIY projects; Practically Functional is full of projects for everyday life that anyone can do, regardless of skill or experience! Whether you’re looking for fun crafts, DIY projects both big and small, gardening advice, cleaning tips, or quick and easy recipes, you’ll find them there! I hope you’ll stop by for a visit one day, but first, check out these awesome fall projects!
DIY Mini Pumpkin Candle Holders
Decoupage Fall Leaves Lamp Shade
Hanging Fall Chandelier Wreath
Homemade Wassail In The Slow Cooker
DIY Paper Mache Harry Potter Sorting Hat
Starbucks Copycat: Caramel Apple Spice In The Slow Cooker
Thanks a ton to Meredith for letting me share this with you guys today! If you liked the project ideas, make sure you stop by Practically Functional for a visit! I’d love to see you there!

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Thanks so much for letting me guest post today Meredith!
The blog emphasizes how meditation calms the mind, reduces anxiety, and fosters a sense of inner peace.
Nice Fall decor ideas for the household. “Fall decor is trending in modern homes nowadays.” https://onlinepoliceclearanceph.ph/police-clearance-verification/ . These add sense of peace and calmness in the house or the office. Very nice fall ideas mentioned on the post. Keep it up.