It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that I have a child in this category. It seems like just yesterday I was trying to think of what to get her for her very first Christmas! Time is going by much too quickly. Of course, Christmas is much more fun with each passing year as she “gets” more of the fun things of the season. Sitting on Santa’s lap, reading the Advent story, doing the Polar Express train ride…it’s so fun to see Christmas through the eyes of a 3 year old!
If you’re looking for some fun stocking stuffers for preschoolers, I’ve put together a list of 10 great ideas! Each of these items is under $10 – in fact, most are under $5. So load up your Amazon shopping cart and finish your stocking stuffer shopping without even leaving your couch!
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Color Dotz – when it’s bath time, my daughter always asks “can I have a color bath?” She loves dropping the tablet into the water and watching it change color.
Card Games – this is a great age to introduce some basic card games, like “Go Fish!”
Character Band-Aids – Tears from a boo boo seem to magically go away when you get out the special band-aids.
Water Wow Books – My daughter has 2 of these and loves them. They’re great for car trips, or waiting at a restaurant, too!
Character toothbrush – make teeth brushing more exciting with a fun toothbrush, themed with your child’s favorite character.
Window crayons – if you have a sliding glass door, it’s fun to get out the window crayons and let your child color on the glass! (Supervised, of course!)
Play Doh Tools – it makes play doh so much more fun!
Sponge Painting Shapes – a fun way to use paint – great for a budding artist.
Finger puppets – so many imaginative play possibilities!
Rhythm Sticks or another small instrument – what kid doesn’t love to make noise?
**Amazon Prime FREE TRIAL – if you’re doing a lot of online shopping this Christmas, now would be the PERFECT time to sign up for a 30 day free trial of Amazon Prime!!**
Quite a few of the ideas I included in my 10 Stocking Stuffers for Toddlers gift guide would be fun for 3 and 4 year olds as well, so be sure to check those out! And if you’re shopping for a baby this year, you’ll want to visit 10 Stocking Stuffers for Babies. Or maybe you’d like some gift Ideas for dad – aren’t they ALWAYS the hardest to shop for?
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Great! It’s a good tips